Visually Recording a Co-design Workshop


On March 8, 2022, I assisted a the National Housing Strategy (NHS) Solutions Lab’s co-design workshop to visually document the ideas generated by the different stakeholders present. The project is a 16-month long project that aims to increase and improve housing options for people with developmental disabilities and medical complexities by exploring intentional approaches to fostering social inclusion with a diverse group of stakeholders.

The goal of the workshop was to generate opportunities that foster mutual inclusion between residents with developmental disabilities and others community members through new food-related programs and services.


My deliverable was to create a visual artifact that captured the ideas partifipants shared that could be published in reports and other materials. To create these visuals, I used sketchnote techniques that combine text and drawings to capture and organize the ideas collected during the workshop.

This diagram depicts both opportunities and constraints or barriers that exist ini the defined problem space.

This visual focuses on defining roles, opportunities, and resources each stakeholder can contribute. Overlapping opportunities are highlighted to help identify where stakeholders could interact with each other and improve community engagement.

When creating these visuals, I used systems thinking to emphasis on how ideas and people connected and interacted within the problem space and proposed opportunities to increase engageemnt between residents and community members.