Photo courtesy of Jennie Suddick

Photo courtesy of Jennie Suddick


As a recent graduate of OCAD University’s Industrial Design (ID) Bachelor of Design program (2022), I am passionate about designing products and services that are easy and fun to use, understandable to the user, and helpful to everyone.

From my intensive OCAD projects and summer work experiences, I have developed a special interest and proficiency in user research involving stakeholders, UX/UI, and service design. I am particularly adept at conceiving the initial stages of a design and then creating and managing the rigorous steps needed to move that design to market.

Also, my multiple summer experiences in foreign cultures have enabled me to become adaptable to different situations and able to appreciate values and perspectives that are not my own. I enjoy and excel at facilitating collaboration among stakeholders and colleagues. I’m an effective -- and fun -- team player.

A key tool in my toolkit is the question “why?” As a designer, I believe for my design to have a meaningful impact, I must have a clear idea of the core purpose of the solution that my design offers. By understanding the problem space, I can make informed decisions that will increase the relevance and effectiveness of the final design. Hence, much of my design work has been conducting research to better understand users, probing their values and preferences through testing, and collaborating with them.

Among my portfolio projects on view here, my Zoom’s Immersive Environment and my design work for the Daily Goods Design Labs provided great satisfaction. In these projects, I further developed my leadership skills; worked and managed collaboratively in teams; communicated effectively to clients; and created and gave presentations to ID professionals.

I am ready for new professional challenges and can offer a now well-honed ability to convert conceptual ideas into real prototypes through rigorous design processes, eventually leading to appealing and successful products and services.